Bully Bash Mac OS

Bully Bash Mac OS

May 24 2021

Bully Bash Mac OS

airgeddon Description

This is a multi-use bash script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks.


  • Interface mode switcher (Monitor-Managed) keeping selection even on interface name changing
  • DoS over wireless networks using different methods
  • Assisted Handshake file capturing
  • Cleaning and optimizing Handshake captured files
  • Offline password decrypting on WPA/WPA2 captured files (dictionary, bruteforce and rule based)
  • Evil Twin attacks (Rogue AP)
  • Only Rogue/Fake AP version to sniff using external sniffer (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS)
  • Simple integrated sniffing (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Ettercap)
  • Integrated sniffing, sslstrip (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Ettercap + Sslstrip)
  • Integrated sniffing, sslstrip2 and BeEF browser exploitation framework (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Bettercap + BeEF)
  • Captive portal with 'DNS blackhole' to capture wifi passwords (Hostapd + DHCP + DoS + Dnsspoff + Lighttpd)
  • Optional MAC spoofing for all Evil Twin attacks
  • WPS features
  • WPS scanning (wash). Self parameterization to avoid 'bad fcs' problem
  • Custom PIN association (bully and reaver)
  • Pixie Dust attacks (bully and reaver)
  • Bruteforce PIN attacks (bully and reaver)
  • Parameterizable timeouts
  • Known WPS PINs attack (bully and reaver), based on online PIN database with auto-update
  • Integration of the most common PIN generation algorithms
  • WEP All-in-One attack (combining different techniques: Chop-Chop, Caffe Latte, ARP Replay, Hirte, Fragmentation, Fake association, etc.)
  • Compatibility with many Linux distributions (see Requirements section)
  • Easy targeting and selection in every section
  • Drag and drop files on console window for entering file paths
  • Dynamic screen resolution detection and windows auto-sizing for optimal viewing
  • Controlled Exit. Cleaning tasks and temp files. Option to keep monitor mode if desired
  • Multilanguage support and autodetect OS language feature (see Supported Languagessection)
  • Help hints in every zone/menu for easy use
  • Auto-update. Script checks for newer version if possible
  • Docker container for easy and quick deployment
  • Http proxy auto detection for updates

Tested on these compatible Linux distributions

Sep 26, 2014 Bash, which stands for Bourne Again SHell, is a command-line interpreter that runs on Unix, Linux, and Apple computers. OS X Mavericks 10.9.5 shipped with Bash version 3.2, one of the seven. Builds for Windows and Mac OS X are provided. Windows users will need the MSVC 2013 (32-bit) redistributable installed. Just download and execute BullyCPP-0.8.1-win32.exe. Mac users should download BullyCPP-0.8.1-mac.dmg and mount it. You may run the app directly from the disk image, or optionally copy it to your Applications folder.

  • Arch 4.6.2-1 to
  • Backbox 4.5.1 to 5
  • BlackArch 2016.01.10 to 2017.06.14
  • CentOS 6 and 7
  • Cyborg Hawk 1.1
  • Debian 7 (Wheezy) to 9 (Stretch)
  • Fedora 24
  • Gentoo 20160514 and 20160704
  • Kali 2.0, 2016.1 to 2017.1 and arm versions (Raspberry Pi)
  • OpenMandriva LX3
  • OpenSUSE Leap 42.1 and 42.2
  • Parrot 2.2.1 to 3.7 and arm versions (Raspberry Pi)
  • Raspbian 7 (Wheezy) to 9 (Stretch) (Raspberry Pi)
  • Red Hat 7 (Maipo)
  • Ubuntu/Xubuntu 15.10 to 17.04
  • Wifislax 4.11.1, 4.12 and 64-1.0

On your Terminal: Type cd / to go to your home folder. Type touch.bashprofile to create your new file. Edit.bashprofile with your code editor (or you can just type open -e.bashprofile to open it in TextEdit). If you did a new or clean install of OS X version 10.3.x, the default user shell is bash. Bash is essentially an enhanced and GNU freeware version of the original Bourne shell, sh. Unless you happen to like bash, I recommend either switching to tcsh or zsh. Install Open-Source Utilities With Homebrew. The Homebrew command is the underlying package manager that installs all those UNIX and open-source utilities you might want. It’s the easiest way to install them on Mac OS X, just as it is on Linux. Like Homebrew Cask, it uses simple commands. To search for a utility: brew search name.

Homepage: https://github.com/v1s1t0r1sh3r3/airgeddon

Author: OscarAkaElvis

License: GPLv3

airgeddon Help

It is absent, the tool is operated by text (dialog) menu.

airgeddon Usage Example

Start it as root

and follow the instructions in the program.

How to install airgeddon

Installation on Kali Linux

Bully Bash Mac Os Download

Installation on BlackArch

Installation on other Linux

airgeddon is already included in some Linux distributions and repositories:

  • Wifislax 4.12, 64-1.0 or higher
  • BlackArch 2017.01.28 or later
  • ArchStrike repository

Repositories versions will have auto-update feature disabled in order to avoid breaking dependencies. There is a var at the beginning of the file, 'auto_update' can be set to 0 to turn off the auto-update feature.

Anyway, can be used with any Linux distro if you have installed the tools what script needs. The script checks for them at the beginning.

We will enumerate the categories and tools. The format will be: 'command -> possible package name'. The command can be included in different packages depending of the distro.

Bash version 4.2 or later needed.

Essential tools: <- the script doesn't work if you don't have installed all of them

  • ifconfig -> net-tools
  • iwconfig -> wireless-tools
  • iw -> iw
  • awk -> awk / gawk
  • airmon-ng -> aircrack-ng
  • airodump-ng -> aircrack-ng
  • aircrack-ng -> aircrack-ng
  • xterm -> xterm

Optional tools: <- not necessary to work, only needed for some features

  • wpaclean -> aircrack-ng
  • crunch -> crunch
  • aireplay-ng -> aircrack-ng
  • mdk3 -> mdk3
  • hashcat -> hashcat
  • hostapd -> hostapd
  • dhcpd -> isc-dhcp-server / dhcp-server / dhcp
  • iptables -> iptables
  • ettercap -> ettercap / ettercap-text-only / ettercap-graphical
  • etterlog -> ettercap / ettercap-text-only / ettercap-graphical
  • sslstrip -> sslstrip
  • lighttpd -> lighttpd
  • dnsspoof -> dsniff
  • wash -> reaver
  • reaver -> reaver
  • bully -> bully
  • pixiewps -> pixiewps
  • unbuffer -> expect expect-dev

Update tools: <- not necessary to work, only used for auto-update

  • curl -> curl

Internal tools: <- these are internally checked. Not necessary to work, good to have

  • xdpyinfo -> x11-utils / xdpyinfo / xorg-xdpyinfo
  • ethtool -> ethtool
  • lspci -> pciutils
  • lsusb -> usbutils
  • rfkill -> rfkill
  • wget -> wget
  • ccze -> ccze
  • xset -> x11-xserver-utils xorg-xset

Is highly recommended to have the internal tools installed. They improve functionality and performance. For example, xdpyinfo allow the script to detect the desktop resolution in order to print windows in a better way.

Mac Os Mojave

airgeddon Screenshots

airgeddon Tutorials

Related tools

  • Reaver (reaver-wps-fork-t6x) (85.7%)
  • PixieWPS (82.8%)
  • WiFite (75.6%)
  • Wash (74.6%)
  • Router Scan (74.5%)
  • WPA2-HalfHandshake-Crack (RANDOM - 54.8%)

Recommended for you:

Open Applications->Utilities->Terminal.

I believe the default shell for at least the last few releases is bash, so you'll get straight to it (though I have mine set to tcsh). If not, just type /bin/bash to start a bash shell.

Random password generator sites are fine - all they do is generate a random sequence of characters. However, you're probably going to have to write that password down to remember it, which makes it less secure. Better to come up with a sequence that has some mnemonic meaning to you, that contains uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and other characters, and is at least eight characters long.

Bully bash mac os x

I doubt there's any need for the 'general Mac user' to be using a shell, but if you are interested in programming or getting to know how the OS works 'under the hood', then it's worth learning about. There are any number of good resources on the web about UNIX shells.

Jul 22, 2011 3:31 PM

Bully Bash Mac OS