Mushroom Island Mac OS

Mushroom Island Mac OS

May 31 2021

Mushroom Island Mac OS

Mushroom Island When you first arrive at Mushroom Island, you’ll need to melt the ice that’s encasing the mushroom house. Hammer the tree on the right side of the island until a Magic Circle. Mushroom island. You will have four minutes to collect as many mushrooms as you can!” Make sure that each student is at their own gate. Turn on student building and start the clock. Tell your students to punch the fence in front of them and run through the portal. App Bar is a Mac OS X application, which operates from both the system dock and Mac menu bar. Top 5 Minecraft Mushroom Island Seeds (2021) – All Versions.

  1. Mac Os Catalina
  2. Mushroom Island Mac Os Download

We're taking a look at some great Mushroom Island Seeds that you can enjoy when you start up your next game of Minecraft! We've got a bunch of different Mushroom Seed types for all Java versions of the game.

You might be a bit confused why people would seek out Mushroom seeds in particular. Well, the reason these are in demand is because the majority of mobs do not spawn naturally on them. This is also the case for caves, mineshafts, and any other dark areas. The only mobs that spawn on these biomes are Mooshrooms and Bats! That means you can pretty safely build whatever you want on the island without worrying about adding lighting all over the place to make sure monsters aren't attacking you constantly!

Minecraft Mushroom Island Seeds List

Here's a look at some seeds where you can find some Mushroom Island biomes! They are mostly right at spawn or are very close by, so you shouldn't need to travel too far to find them. I've included version numbers which are recommended, but you could still try them in different versions of the game because they will sometimes still function the same. Usually, if the version is different you will be missing some of the generated structures.

Spawn on Mushroom island surrounded by Icebergs

Credit: - Seed: -6314606324369970897 - Version: Java 1.16.1

This island is a one in a million, it's a small mushroom island surrounding by icebergs from every side! Freezing water is encasing you, though they are smaller islands near you, with some Ocean ruins. To the northeast lies snow and snowy taiga!

Key Locations

  • Shipwreck: 40 60 56
  • Igloo: -904 63 -312
  • Village: -1178 71 -373
  • Desert Temple: -712 73 808
  • Pillager Outpost: 805 68 532

Ocean Monument Mushroom Island (Java - 1.14+)

Credit: Avomance - Seed: -680247721

If you want a Mushroom Island that you spawn right on top of then this seed could be for you! This is also a great one because there's a couple of Ocean Monuments nearby to explore, as well as plenty of Shipwrecks! You can also find a pretty big Ocean Ruins that features Drowned mobs if you want to fight with them. There's a good sized Desert Village, and plenty of other things to find on this seed!

Key Locations

  • Ocean Monument #1: 110 61 287
  • Ocean Monument #2: -449 61 -369
  • Forest Biome: 48 65 378
  • Desert & Grounded Shipwreck: 842 63 31
  • Shipwreck: 297 56 111
  • Above Ground Ocean Ruins w/Drowned: 1056 66 -189
  • Desert Village: 1078 76 -745

Landlocked Mushroom Island (Java - 1.14+ & 1.15+)

Credit: - Seed: 7275521772019857129

Most Mushroom biomes are island based, but in rare situations you can find them right next to land! This is one of those cases, and there's a lot to explore if you're willing to look around. There's a Shipwreck near where you spawn, and there's even a double Dungeon Spawn to locate when you are looking to make your way underground.

Key Locations

You can find a lot more locations of interest on this Reddit post about the seed.

  • Mushroom Island (Landlocked): -1223 75 -744
  • Jungle Biome: -1064 65 -751
  • Shipwreck: 41 63 124
  • Double Dungeon Spawn (Underground): -1795 62 825
  • Dungeon Spawn (Underground): -1843 22 -2516
  • Shipwreck: -1009 48 -960

Spawner Mushroom Island Seed (Java - 1.14.4)

Credit: - Seed: -102378193214545

If you want a Mushroom Island spawn that features a very rare spawner on it, then this seed is a great option! You won't have mobs spawning because of the biome, but you can still have a controlled mob area if you need it! Before you ask, yes mobs will spawn out of a spawner when it's on a Mushroom biome! The spawner will only show up if you play it in 1.14.4 on Java, however, if you just want the island you can play it most versions of Java.

Key Locations

  • Mushroom Island w/Spawner (1.14 Only): -60 64 -250
  • Shipwreck: -255 63 -482
  • Shipwreck: -181 66 558
  • Swamp Island Biome: -31 67 655

Many Biomes & Mushroom Island (Java - 1.14+ & 1.15+)

Credit: - Seed: -2738159050731117377

While you might want a Mushroom Island to start your base at it's nice to have a lot of variance in your seed! This one features a ton of different biomes all over the place and they are all close by which means if you want to get a particular resource then you should have access to it. I have listed a lot of the coordinates for each of the biomes below, but there are more to explore!

Key Locations

  • Jungle Pyramid: 55 76 -314
  • Swamp Biome: 116 64 -148
  • Mountain Biome: 150 89 -204
  • Desert Biome: 257 63 -297
    • Desert Pyramid: 282 63 -438
  • Savanna Biome: 390 71 -440
  • Birch Forest Biome: 257 73 -188
  • Forest Biome: 228 77 141
  • Badlands (Mesa) Biome: 159 64 564

If you want to find some seeds with just diamond, be sure to check out our Minecraft Diamond Seeds post! We've also have a lot more seed options on our Best Minecraft Seeds post.

This is a question asked by countless fans of magic mushrooms. Over a hundred species of magic mushrooms are found all over the world and are used by different cultures throughout the ages.

Magic mushrooms, also known as psilocybin mushrooms, are a group of fungi that contain the psychedelic compound psilocybin. 20 years ago, a group of scientists reviewed the distribution of these magic mushrooms worldwide.

These magic mushrooms are identifiable because of their dark-spores and gills. They are found in soils rich in humus and plant debris. Most of them make their home in subtropical humid forests of most continents.

Magic Mushrooms in Africa

Africa has several different climate types. The northernmost and southernmost fringes have a Mediterranean climate. Africa has the hottest extended region year-round, the areas with the hottest summer climate, and the highest sunshine duration. This climate has led to the rise of diverse flora across Africa including magic mushrooms. Interestingly, the species which grow in Africa don’t just belong to the Psilocybe genus.

Some species of magic mushrooms such as the Plutus salicinus can be found growing on wood, dead wood of hardwoods, or in damp forests on flood-plains. It grows around summer.

One of the most widely distributed species in Africa is the Panaeolus bispora which prefers growing on buffalo and cattle dung. On rare occasions it grows in manured soil.

The Gymnopilus junonius is another strain that grows in Africa which grows in older patches of woods.

The Panaeolus cinctulus is another African magic mushroom that grows on areas where horses reside and on the hay bales that have been left out. They also like to grow in any grassy areas, especially where they have been well kept and fertilized. It grows in dung, compost, rotting hay and in well-manured grounds in the summer.

The exact list of African countries/regions and the species of magic mushrooms that call them home are as follows:

Algeria. One of the oldest prehistoric paintings that depict magic mushrooms is located in Algeria. This mural, estimated to be 7000 to 9000 years old, shows the species of Psilocybe mairei. Because of its location within the temperate zone, it enjoys a pleasant climate. It’s no wonder magic mushrooms call this country their home.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe mairei

Chad. Evidence of ancient mushroom cults are found in Chad which date back to 7,000 years ago. Frequent floods create conditions in lowlands which give way to the growth of several magic mushroom species.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus africanus
  • Panaeoulus cinctulus

Kenya. The natural vegetation in Kenya is as diverse as its climate and topography would suggest. This country has developed magic mushrooms varieties suited for warm weather in grasslands, shrublands and sheltered spots.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe aquamarina
  • Psilocybe cubensis

Madagascar. Madagascar has more than 10,000 plant species, of which 90 percent are only found here. This includes magic mushrooms which are found in plantations and native tapia woodlands.

  • Panaeolus cyanesces
  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus

Morocco. Morocco has wide-ranging geological formations including a vast coastline, interior lowlands extending into the foothills and highlands. Magic mushrooms can be found high up in the Rif mountains and the Middle Atlas.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe mairei

Sudan. In Sudan, the climate is desert in the north and on the coast of the Red Sea. It becomes semi-desert or mid-arid in the south, which is affected by summer monsoon. Some magic mushrooms can be found where hippopotami and elephants frequent where they grow on the animals’ dung.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus africanus
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe mairei

South Africa. South Africa has an average yearly rainfall of 450mm. This led to the growth of more than 20,000 different plants which are about 10 percent of all the plants of the earth. Magic mushrooms grow in areas with plenty of oak shavings, black wood shavings, ironwood, forest alder, beech, and poplar.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe natalensis
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

Magic Mushrooms in Asia

Asia’s climate is wet across southeast sections, and dry across much of the interior. The monsoon circulation dominates across the southern and eastern sections. Rainfall around the continent is seen across the southern portion from India east and northeast across the Philippines and Southern China into Japan due to the monsoon. These created favorable conditions for the growth of magic mushrooms.

The most dominant species of magic mushrooms that grow in Asia are Gymnopilus sp., Panaeolus cinctulus, Panaeolus cambodginiensis, Panaeolus cyanescens, and Psilocybe cyanescens. Magic mushrooms in Asia flourish in the manure of cattle and buffaloes.

Asian countries where magic mushrooms grow are:

Cambodia. This tropical country has a rainy season that spans several months. Jungle covers most of the country and the islands are covered with tropical foliage. Cambodia hosts a large variety of plants including magic mushrooms.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cambodginiensis
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus tropicalis
  • Psilocybe cubensis

China. China’s topographical and climatic diversity has produced a vast array of natural vegetation types. The country’s total number of plants is approximately 30,000 including magic mushrooms.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus sp.
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe venenata

Hong Kong. The original vegetation of Hong Kong no longer exists after centuries of human disturbance. The existing vegetation is the secondary forest developed in the latter half of the twentieth century after Second World War. The major types of vegetation in Hong Kong are woodland, shrubland, and grassland.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus sp.
  • Pluteus salicinus

India. The town of Kodaikanal in Southern India is perfect for magic mushroom fans. The country’s rainforests that cover the hills prove optimal for naturally-growing magic mushrooms.

  • Panaeolus bispora
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus tiunelveliensis
  • Panaeolus tropica
  • Gymmmnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus africanus
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus venezolanus
  • Pilocybe aztecorum var. bonetii
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe goniospora
  • Psilocybe indica
  • Psilocybe natarajanji
  • Psoilocybe keralensis
  • Psilocybe pseudoaztecorum
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Pslocybe subaeuginascens
  • Psilocybe wayanadensis

Indonesia. Magic mushrooms are widely available in the Gili islands and are often blended by locals into shakes.

  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe subaeruginascens

Israel. Tropical vegetation is developed in warm parts of the country. Mediterranean forests in the northern part of the country, through bathas and herbaceous vegetation of eastern parts of the country where magic mushrooms grow in shaded forests.

  • Gymnopilus junionis
  • Inocybe tricolor
  • Panaeolus fimicola

Japan. The long history of magic mushrooms in Japan is fascinating and were consumed by people are far back as the Neolithic period. Magic mushrooms grow in the Kitayama mountains where hungry woodcutters make the “mistake” of eating them.

  • Gymnopilus aeruginosus
  • Gymnoilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Psiloccybe argentines
  • Psilocybe capitulata
  • Psilocybe septentrionalis
  • Psilosybe subaeruginascens
  • Psilocybe subcaerulipes
  • Psilocybe venenata

Korea. Korean shamans used to take magic mushrooms to induce visions. These fungi grow naturally in the Hak-Dong and Geoje-Si areas.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus cinctulus

Philippines. The country has two seasons: rainy and dry. During rainy seasons, these psychedelics grow in grassy, lowland areas where water buffalo are found.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Paneolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe cubensis

Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is one of the world’s biodiversity hot spots. This means it has a wide range of biological species in a variety of habitats. Magic mushrooms can be seen in cloud forests which consist of both temperate and tropical vegetation.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe rostrate

Thailand. Thailand’s Koh Phangan is definitely one of the best places to trip on magic mushrooms in South-East Asia. This wet, tropical country with lots of livestock.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe samulensis
  • Psilocybe thailandensis

Vietnam. The forests of Vietnam with shady trees are home to magic mushrooms. Magic mushrooms also grow in rice paddies.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus rubricaulis
  • Psilocybe cubensis

Magic Mushrooms in Australasia

Australasia is a region composed of Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, and neighboring islands in the Pacific Ocean. Its climate can be divided into six different types: deciduous forest, rainforest, savanna, desert, desert scrub, and Mediterranean.

Deciduous forest climates have four distinct seasons with warm summers and cold, wet winters. Rainforest climates have high temperatures throughout the year with little rainfall. Savanna climates have high temperatures all year and rain during the summer season onlue.

The desert climate has warm to high temperatures with very little rainfall while desert scrub climates have hot summers and cold winters with above average rainfall. A Mediterranean climate is also called a dry summer climate is usually characterized by rainy winters and dry, warm to hot summers.

Because of this climate range, the magic mushrooms that grow in this part of the world are some of the most biodiverse.

Australia. Magic mushrooms are native to Australia. They are found on the sides of paths in forests and parkland areas with bark chips; mulch used in parks and garden beds; tall grass where there is a lot of twig and leaf debris; and near waterways where there is a lot of fallen tree debris and wood chips on the ground.

  • Gymnopilus purpuratus
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus fimicola
  • Psilocybe alutacea
  • Psilocybe subaeruginosa
  • Psilocybe subaeruginosa
  • Psilocybe tasmaniana

New Guinea. Magic mushrooms are endemic in the subtropical forests of the Western Highlands and the Morobe Province where they grow on rotten wood.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus rubricaulis
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe kumaenorum

New Zealand. Soils rich in pine needles and cow dung are the breeding ground for magic mushrooms in New Zealand. Some species can also be found on the south island and experts agree there may be unclassified species down there as well.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Psilocybe aucklandii
  • Psilocybe makarorae
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe tasmaniana
  • Psilocybe subaeruginosa
  • Psilocybe weraroa

Magic Mushrooms in Europe

The climate of Europe is strongly conditioned by the Gulf Stream which keeps mild air over Northwestern Europe in the winter months, especially in Ireland, the UK, and coastal Norway. Parts of central European plains have a mixed oceanic and continental climate. Eastern Europe has 6 climates, while southern Europe experiences distinct wet season and dry seasons, with hot and dry conditions most prevalent over the summer months.

Although the majority of Europe was originally covered by forests, the vegetation has been transformed because of human habitation and land clearing. The northern mountains and parts of north central European Russia are the least affected by human activity.

Because of this dense forest area, magic mushrooms are able to grow across Europe.

Austria. The diversity of topographical and climatic conditions account for the country’s species-rich flora. This country is one of Europe’s most heavily-wooded countries. Magic mushrooms grow during the rainy season.

  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Gymnopillus sp.
  • Inocybe coelestium
  • Inocybe corydalina
  • Inocybe haemacta
  • Inocybe tricolor
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus fimicola
  • Psilocybe cyanescens
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe serbica

Belgium. The limestone caves in the Limburg province are ideal for magic mushrooms to grow.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe cyanescens
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

Bulgaria. This country is one of the most biodiverse countries in Europe with more than 6,500 species of non-vascular plants and fungi.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Inocybe corydalina
  • Inocybe haemacta
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe cyanescens
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

Czech Republic. Most of the forest vegetation in the Czech Republic is evergreen. The main deciduous trees are oaks, beeches, birches, poplars, and willows. When these trees die, magic mushrooms grow on their rotting barks.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus olivaceus
  • Pluteus salicinus
  • Psolicybe serbica
  • Psilocybe cyanescens
  • Psilocybe moravica
  • Psilocybe fimetaria
  • Psilocybe mairei
  • Psilocybe strictipes

Denmark. Much of the land is under cultivation so relatively little wild vegetation remains in Denmark. Several varieties of ferns and mosses common to middle Europe are found here including magic mushrooms. These hallucinogenic mushrooms are seen growing in low, flat districts, horse pastures, and short grasses.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Inocybe haemacta
  • Panaolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus fimicola
  • Panaeolus olivaceus
  • Psilocybe fimetaria
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

United Kingdom. Much of England’s natural vegetation is lost and less than 10 percent of the country remains forested. Moorland and heathland occupy about a quarter of the country. Magic mushrooms can be found on the decaying matter of grass roots, scattered in pastures, grassy roadsides, and paths.

  • Conocybe kuehnariana
  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Gymnopilis purpuratus
  • Inocybe croydalina
  • Inocybe haemacta
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus fimicola
  • Panaeolus olivaceus
  • Pluteus salicinus
  • Psilocybe cyanescens
  • Psilocybe fimetaria
  • Psilocybee semilanceata
  • Psilocybe strictipes

Estonia. Estonia is rich in wetlands. These areas prove great for the natural growth of magic mushrooms.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

Faroes Islands. The flora of the Faroe Islands consists of over 400 different plant species. Most of the lowland areas are covered with grassland. The Faroese nature is characterized by the lack of trees. Because of these conditions, magic mushrooms tend to grow in meadows.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus moellerianus
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

Finland. Much of Finland is dominated by conifers and in the extreme south, there is a zone of deciduous trees comprised of birch, hazel, aspen, maple, elm, linden, and alder. When these trees die, magic mushrooms grow in their decomposing barks and debris.

  • Conocybe cyanopus
  • Conocybe kuehneriana
  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Pluteus salicinus
  • Panaeolus olivaceous
  • Psilocybe fimetaria
  • Psilocybe pelliculosa
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe sylvatica
  • Psilocybe strictipes

France. Wild mushrooms are abundant in France. Magic mushrooms are located in pastures which have been fertilized with sheep or cow dung. Some species can be seen fruiting solitarily or in groups on rich, ad acidic soil.

  • Panaeolus anomala
  • Panaeouls cyanescens
  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Inocybe aeruginascens
  • Inocybe corydalina
  • Incybe haemacta
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe cyanescens
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe strictipes

Germany. Woodlands form about one-fourth of the entire soil, the proportion of forest being far greater than in any other state in the west or south of Europe. The Black Forest in the southwest and the Bavaria Forest by the Czech border are great for hunting magic mushrooms.

  • Conocybe cyanopus
  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Gynoplius purpuratus
  • Inocybe aeuriginascens
  • Inocybe coealestium
  • Inocybe corydalina
  • Inocybe haemacta
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus fimicola
  • Pluteus cyanopus
  • Pluteus salicinus
  • Pluteus villosus
  • Pluteus cyanescens
  • Psilocybe mairei
  • Psilocybe moravica
  • Psilcybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe serbica
  • Psilocybe strictipes

Greece. Greece is a mountainous country with very diverse natural vegetation. 6,000 plant species, including magic mushrooms, call this country their home. The mystical raptures reported at the ancient Greek celebrations at Eleusis were really magic mushroom fests. These hallucinogenic mushrooms are seen growing in the meadows near Valia Calida.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus sp.
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe serbica

Holland. The country falls into three topographical divisions: the dunes, the lowlands, and the higher eastern section of the country. The most common trees are oak, elm, pine, linden, and beech. Their rotting barks create a perfect environment for growing magic mushrooms.

  • Gymnopilus purpuratus
  • Inocybe aeruginascens
  • Inocybe corydalina
  • Inocybe haemacta
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Pluteus salicinus
  • Psilocybe cyanescens
  • Psilocybe liniformans
  • Psilocybe puberula
  • Psilocye semilanceata
  • Psilocybe serbica
  • Psilocybe strictipes

Hungary. Hungary’s deciduous forests are dominated by oak and beech. Magic mushrooms grow along the countryside.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Inocybe aeruginascens
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Pluteus nigroviridis
  • Psilocybe sp.

Iceland. Much of Iceland is non-vegetated or only sparsely vegetated, although many lowland regions are slowly being reclaimed. People are known to pick magic mushrooms in Reyjkavik roadsides.

  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus fimicola
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

Italy. The native vegetation of Italy has three zones of different vegetation: the Alps, the Po valley, and the Mediterranean-Apennine area. Northern Italy is rich in magic mushrooms where evidence also point to the ritual use of psychedelic mushrooms in the Neolithic age.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe serbica
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

Ireland. Ireland has a comparatively small flora for a European country. A major factor is the ice sheets that covered much of Ireland 13,000 years ago. Mushroom season in this country is around October.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe cyanescens
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

Lithuania. The pastures of Lithuania are fertilized with sheep or cow dung. Magic mushrooms typically grow in these areas during rainy season.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

Norway. Magic mushrooms grow during most seasons in grassy areas across Norway. They can grow in large numbers.

  • Conocybe cyanopus
  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Pholiotine smithii
  • Pluteus salicinus
  • Psilocybe serbicus
  • Psilocybe sylvatica
  • Psilocybe strictipes

Russia. Its grasslands, meadows, pastures, and lawns are perfect for growing magic mushroom species.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Pholiotina cyanopus
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe strictipes

Scotland. Magic mushrooms grow in Scotland from August until early November. Marshes and riverbeds serve as the magic mushroom hotspots during the rainy season.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psiloccybe semilanceata

Serbia. This country is home to several magic mushrooms that grow in well-decayed deciduous and coniferous wood, on twigs, compost, plant residue, in forests, and in moist places along creeks, forest path and roadside verges.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe serbica
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe cyanescens

Slovakia. Grasslands, meadows, and pastures in Slovakia have optimal conditions for growing magic mushrooms. They also grow in edges in moist areas of fields in the country.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe serbica
  • Psilocybe strictipes

Slovenia. Oak dominates the forests of Slovenia. These trees provide environments suitable for psychedelic mushrooms to grow.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe serbica
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

Spain. The luxurious vegetation in the Cantabria area is abundant with deciduous forests where the most characteristic species is the common oak, followed by lime trees, chestnut trees, elm trees, maple trees, and hazelnut trees. These forests provide plenty of debris for magic mushrooms to grow naturally.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanscens
  • Psilocybe gallanciae
  • Psilocybe hispanica

Sweden. Wild hallucinogenic mushrooms grow around farms or cultivated land from August to November. A lot of these magic mushrooms can also be seen around wooded areas.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe fimetaria
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe strictipes

Switzerland. Magic mushroom hunting season is August to November. Distribution maps which are accessible to the public show where magic mushrooms grow in the country.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus fimicola
  • Panaeolus olivaceus
  • Pluteus salicinus
  • Psilocybe cyanescens
  • Psilocybe semilanceata

Magic Mushrooms in North America

North America is the third largest continent. It includes all of the mainland and related offshore islands lying north of the Isthmus of Panama which connects it with South America. Its climate varies from the dry, bitter cold of the Arctic to the steamy heat of the tropics.

Most of North America is cold in the winter and warm in the summer, with moderate precipitation. Some areas have mild winters and long, hot summers and others boast harsh winters and short summers.

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These climate conditions allowed magic mushrooms to grow throughout this continent’s many regions.

United States of America. Within the United States, certain geographical regions are especially suited for mushrooms growth. The southeastern states do not host a remarkable diversity of hallucinogenic mushrooms but are well suited for the growth of Liberty Caps.

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The Pacific Northwest’s climatic and ecological conditions encourage a vast array of fungi to flourish. In the coastal plains near the Pacific hosts a majority of hallucinogenic species.

  • Conocybe cyanopus
  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Gymnopilus aeruginosus
  • Gymnopilus luteofolius
  • Gymnopilus luteviridis
  • Panaeolus bispora
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus olivaceus
  • Panaeolus camdodiginiensis
  • Panaelus chlorocystis
  • Pluteos salicinus
  • Psilocybe allenii
  • Psilocybe caerulescens
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Panaeolus fimicola
  • Psilocybe cyanescens
  • Psilocybe baeocystis
  • Psilocybe strictipes
  • Psilocybe hopii
  • Psilocybe mescaleroensis
  • Psilocybe ovooideocystidiata
  • Psilocybe pelliculosa
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe stuntzii
  • Psilocybe tampanensis
  • Psilocybe mammilata

Canada. The soil varies with the climate in Canada. The extensive belt of taiga or coniferous forests occupies two-fifth of the area which provide a environment for growing various magic mushrooms.

  • Conocybe kuehneriana
  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Gymnopilus luteofolius
  • Gymnopilus luteus
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe baeocystis
  • Psilocybe cyanofibrillosa
  • Psilocybe cyanescens
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe fimetaria
  • Psilocybe pelliculosa
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe sierrae
  • Psilocybe sylvatica
  • Psilocybe strictipes
  • Psilocybe stuntzii
  • Psilocybe subfimetaria

Mexico. Because of the wide range of temperature, the native flora of Mexico is extremely varied. The tierra calienta is thickly grown with an immense variety of plants, which form a dense tropical jungle in some areas. This zone includes hardwoods where magic mushrooms grow.

  • Paneolus fimicola
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus venezolanus
  • Panaeolus tropicalis
  • Conocybe banderillensis
  • Psilocybe rzedowskii
  • Psilocybe singer
  • Psilocybe uxpanapensis
  • Psilocybe veraecrucis
  • Psilocybe weldenii
  • Psilocybe caerulescens
  • Psilocybe fagicola
  • Psilocybe herrerae
  • Psilocybe mammillata
  • Psilocybe schultesii
  • Psilocybe wassonoirum
  • Psilocybe xalapensis
  • Psilocybe yungensis
  • Psilocybe armandii
  • Psilocybe mexicana
  • Psilocybe pseudobullacae
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe subcubensis
  • Psilocybe muliercula
  • Psilocybe zapotecorum
  • Psilocybe tuxtlensis
  • Psillocybe chaconii
  • Psilocybe subtropicalis
  • Psilocybe neoxalapensis
  • Psilocybe isabelae
  • Psilocybe naematoliformis

Magic Mushrooms in South America

Most of South America has a tropical climate. The north is a humid and tropical savanna. The southeast has a humid subtropical climate. Yearly rainfall is different depending on the location. It is home to one of the driest places in the world, the Atacama Desert. One of the rainiest places in the world, the Amazon Basin, is also located in this region.

The usual temperature in the South America mountains is 15°C while the temperatures in the tropics can reach up to 38°C. This variation of climates and humidity different areas led to the growth of many species of magic mushrooms across South America.

Argentina. Many types of magic mushrooms are found at the higher altitude areas where rainfall is rare. Between the Andes and the Chaco lies Argentina’s most diverse areas of vegetation known as the Yungas. This subtropical region benefits plenty of summertime rainfall.

  • Conocybe kuehneriana
  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus fimicola
  • Panaeolus sp.
  • Psilocybe collybioides
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe hoogshagenii
  • Psilocybe wrightii
  • Psilocybe zapotecorum

Bahamas. Magic mushrooms grow in the Nassau region. However, these are species which are not found in most Western countries.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus

Bermuda. Forests rich with Bermuda Cedar provide magic mushrooms with an environment where they can thrive. Sadly, this country isn’t really a hotbed for the psychedelic mushrooms.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanescens

Belize. Belize has an interesting and diverse vegetation profile with over 4,000 plants and mushrooms of the psychedelic variety. Belize is among the countries in the Mesoamerican region where psychotropic drugs are used in medicine and religious rituals.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Psilocybe cordispora
  • Psilocybe cubensis

Bolivia. Magic mushrooms grow in clusters or groups on rotting wood. These psychedelic mushrooms grow in the country’s subtropical forests.

  • Panaeolus anomala
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe mammillata
  • Psilocybe yungensis

Brazil. Brazil’s tropical soils are exceptionally fertile and anything planted grew well. The largest areas of fertile soil, called terra roxa, are found in the states of Parana and Sao Paulo. Magic mushrooms tend to fruit in large flushes in subtropical coffee plantations and grasslands from June to August.

  • Panaeolus anomala
  • Panaeolus ccyannescens
  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus fimicola
  • Panaeolus sp.
  • Pluteus glaucus
  • Psilocybe acutipilea
  • Psilocybe blattariopsis
  • Psilocybe banderillensis
  • Psilocybe caeruleoanulata
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe farinacea
  • Psilocybe furtadoana
  • Psilocye hooghsagenii
  • Psilocybe microcystidiata
  • Psilocybe paulensis
  • Psilocybe pauper
  • Psilocybe pericystis
  • Psilocybe plutonia
  • Psilocybe ramulosa
  • Psilocybe rickii
  • Psilocybe subbrunneocystidiata
  • Psilocybe subyungensis
  • Psilocybe zapotecorum

Chile. Dense rainforests south of Valdivia contain various species of conifers which grow magic mushrooms.

  • Conocybe kuehneriana
  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Gymnopilus purpuratus
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus sp.
  • Pluteus glaucus
  • Psilocybe carbonaria
  • Psilocybe fimetaria
  • Psilocybe liniformans
  • Psilocybe semilanceata
  • Psilocybe sierrae
  • Psilocybe strictipes
  • Psilocybe subfimetaria
  • Psilocybe zapotecorum

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Colombia. Colombia has an expansive habitat of shrubs, forbs, and bunchgrass. The Valle de Cocora, a protected area in Quindio near the backpacker haven of Salento, is known for its surreal landscapes and wild magic shrooms. A mix of hallucinogenic and non-hallucinogenic mushrooms also grow above Medellin in Arvi Park.

  • Panaeolus cambodginiensis
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus sp,
  • Psilocybe angustipleurocystidiata
  • Psilocybe antioquiensis
  • Psilocybe cabiensis
  • Psilocybe columbiana
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe guatapensis
  • Psilocybe heliconiae
  • Psilocybe hoogshagenii
  • Psilocybe pintonii
  • Psilocybe plutonia
  • Psilocybe semiangustipleurocystidiata
  • Psilocybe subacutipilea
  • Psilocybe subhoogshagenii
  • Psilocybe yungensis
  • Psilocybe zapotecorum

Costa Rica. This country is an eco-tourist’s delight. From the lowland tropical rainforest to the high altitude cloud forests, mangrove forests, vast wetlands, and fast flowing rivers, this country is never lacking in flora and fauna. A tip for magic mushroom hunting in Costa Roca is to go low (valleys) and to go high (mountains).

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Paaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Psilocybe aztecorum
  • Psilocybe mexicana
  • Psilocybe cubensis

Ecuador. Deep in the rainforest of Ecuador is a community called Pacto Sumaco. The surrounding area is very fertile for magic mushrooms.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe subcubensis
  • Psilocybe yungensis

El Salvador. Most of El Salvador’s vegetation is rainforest, or tropical wet vegetation. Because of El Salvador’s changing elevation, there are also mangrove forests, freshwater lagoon forests, swamp forests, alpine forests, and cloud forests. Dying trees in these forests can often be seen with magic mushrooms growing on them.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe cubensis

Guatemala. Tropical, cool, and temperate climate zones and the 14 ecological regions of Guatemala support the growth of many plant species. Over 8,000 plant species have been identified in the country along with magic mushrooms.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe caerulescens
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe mexicana

Honduras. This country lays claim to large tracts of undeveloped landscapes, from tropical rainforests to lagoon mangroves. The charming island of Roatan has plenty of mushrooms growing wild during the rainy season.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Psilocybe cubensis

Panama. Magic mushrooms grow in Panama because of its humid, tropical rainforests. Some magic mushrooms can also grow in the canal area, along the Caribbean coast.

  • Gymnopilus sp.
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe caerulescens
  • Psilocybe dumontii

Peru. The vast, fertile mountains of Peru contains a rich profusion of trees, plants, and jungle vines, including mahogany, cedar, rubber, and cinchona trees. Different species of hallucinogenic and non-hallucinogenic mushrooms grow on the barks of these trees whenever they grow old.

  • Gymnopilus junonius
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe yungensis
  • Psilocybe zapotecorum

Uruguay. Magic mushrooms are seen on trees with bark stem lesions. These trees are located in the central west region of Uruguay.

  • Gymopilus junonius
  • Panaelus cinctulus
  • Psilocybe caeruleoannulata
  • Psilocybe uruguayensis
  • Psilocybe zapotecorum

Venezuela. The savanna in Venezuela is one of the world’s largest and most productive biomes which also breeds several species of psychedelic mushrooms.

  • Panaeolus cyanescens
  • Panaeolus cinctulus
  • Panaeolus campanulatus
  • Panaeolus sp.
  • Panaeolus venezolanus
  • Psilocybe caerulescens
  • Psilocybe cubensis
  • Psilocybe meridensis
  • Psilocybe plutonia
  • Psilocybe pseudobullacea
  • Psilocybe subyungensis

How to Find Magic Mushrooms

Now that you know where magic mushrooms grow in the world, it’s important to learn how to hunt magic mushrooms in the wild. New magic mushrooms hunters often make the mistake of walking around, picking a random mushroom, and then asking around if what they picked is a psychedelic mushroom.

This is a complete waste of time for both the hunter and the person who is asked.

Picking a random mushroom without prior knowledge and hoping it’s of the psychedelic variety is dangerous because some species of shrooms have physical similarities with poisonous fungi.

Luckily, there are plenty of resources online. These guidelines can increase your chances of success in finding these magic fungi.

Know your location

Do magic mushrooms even grow in your country? Is your climate conducive to growing magic mushrooms? By knowing these basic facts, you can make a list of magic mushrooms that grow in your area.

Know your magic mushroom

After researching which magic mushrooms species grow in your area, you need to put in a little more learning and effort. Look for the questions to these following questions:

  • What season do these magic mushrooms grow? Some magic mushrooms grow only during specific times of the year. For example, don’t bother looking for P. cyanescens when it’s summer in your country.
  • What environment is conducive for their growth? Should you check for growth in marshlands or wooded areas? Should you look for growth on cow dung or tree stumps?
  • How rare are the magic mushrooms in your list? If the only magic mushrooms on your list is a rare variety that hasn’t been found for the last 20 years then maybe you should take your magic mushroom hunting somewhere else.
  • How do they look like? Knowing a magic mushrooms physical attributes increases your chances of choosing the right variety. The most common physical characteristics to look at are cap color and shape, length and color of stem, spore print color, and gill configuration.

Step out of your house
Armed with your new knowledge, choose a location that may yield some likely results and hunt! Let your scent for mushrooms and new information be your guides as you plow through cow field, parks, and forests.

Use a camera
If you want to share your magic mushrooms on forums, it’s good to take pictures but a blurry photo won’t get any attention from the mushroom-loving community online. It’s important to get clear, crisp photos with the following details:

  • Habitat – where the mushrooms were growing
  • Cap – color and perspective photos
  • Gills – colors, attachment, and configuration
  • Stem/base – Color, length, rig, volva, etc.

Be familiar with spore prints
Spore color can be the only thing that separates a magic mushroom from normal ones. It is one of the most defining characteristic of a mushroom genus. By making a spore print from your collected mushrooms, you can inspect your mushrooms spores much closely. You can learn how to make magic mushroom spore prints online.

Just have fun!
Even if you don’t find magic mushrooms right away, think of all the exercise, fresh air, and mushroom knowledge you’re gaining!

Luckily, you can still get magic mushrooms no matter where you are in the world. With a couple of mouse clicks, you can buy magic truffles online and enjoy a psychedelic experience.

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